- Admissions are open from November of every year for Classes I to IX & XI for the upcoming session.
- Prospectus and registration form can be obtained from the school office or online from www.http://www.baldwinsociety.in/ by paying the registration fee. The completed registration form needs to be deposited in the School office within the specified time. The said registration fee shall be non-refundable.
- There is a written assessment for children along with an interaction with parents for Grade I upwards.
- Date of assessment/ interaction and further details would be shared at the time of registration.
- No change of date will be entertained. However, the school authorities reserve the right to change the date and time of interaction if need be.
- Parents are requested to bring the Immunization chart and original Birth Certificate of the child issued by the Municipal Corporation along with self-attested photocopies of the same during the admission process. No change in date of birth will be entertained once the admission is done.